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Definitions from WordNet

Verb foreknow has 1 sense
  1. anticipate, previse, foreknow, foresee - realize beforehand
    --1 is one way to know
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s that CLAUSE

Definitions from the Web



To have knowledge or awareness of something before it happens; to anticipate or predict future events.

Part of Speech:


Sense 1:

To anticipate future events through prior knowledge or intuition

Example sentence: The fortune teller seemed to have the ability to foreknow the outcome of every game.

Sense 2:

To have prior knowledge or awareness of something

Example sentence: The detective's extensive investigation allowed her to foreknow the suspect's next move.

Sense 3:

To predict or foresee something with certainty

Example sentence: The expert analyst was able to foreknow the market crash and advised her clients accordingly.

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