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Definitions from WordNet

Noun foglamp has 1 sense
  1. foglamp - headlight that provides strong beam for use in foggy weather
    --1 is a kind of
    headlight, headlamp

Definitions from the Web


A foglamp is a type of automotive lighting typically mounted on the front bumper or a roof rack of a vehicle. Its primary purpose is to improve visibility during adverse weather conditions, such as fog, mist, or heavy rain.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun


  1. A light on a vehicle used to improve visibility during foggy conditions.



Many modern vehicles come equipped with foglamps as a standard safety feature.


In coastal areas prone to dense fog, vehicles are often required to have additional foglamps installed.

Sample Sentences:

  • The driver turned on the foglamp to navigate through the thick fog.
  • During heavy rain, the bright beam of the foglamp helped the driver see the road clearly.
  • I need to replace the bulb in my foglamp as it has stopped working.

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