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foeniculum vulgare dulce


Definitions from WordNet

Noun foeniculum vulgare dulce has 1 sense
  1. Florence fennel, Foeniculum dulce, Foeniculum vulgare dulce - grown especially for its edible aromatic bulbous stem base
    --1 is a kind of fennel
    --1 has parts: fennel, Florence fennel, finocchio

Definitions from the Web

Foeniculum Vulgare Dulce


Foeniculum Vulgare Dulce, commonly known as sweet fennel, is a perennial herb belonging to the carrot family. It has feathery leaves and yellow flowers, and is widely used for culinary and medicinal purposes.

Sample Sentences:

As a noun:

  1. I added some crushed foeniculum vulgare dulce to the salad for a hint of licorice flavor.
  2. The foeniculum vulgare dulce seeds are often used in cooking and herbal remedies.

As an adjective:

  1. The foeniculum vulgare dulce tea has a calming effect on the body.
  2. She prepared a delicious dish by using fresh foeniculum vulgare dulce leaves.

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