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flying saucer


Definitions from WordNet

Noun flying saucer has 1 sense
  1. unidentified flying object, UFO, flying saucer - an (apparently) flying object whose nature is unknown; especially those considered to have extraterrestrial origins
    --1 is a kind of apparition, phantom, phantasm, phantasma, shadow

Definitions from the Web

Flying Saucer


A flying saucer refers to an unidentified flying object (UFO) that is typically described as disc-shaped or saucer-like in appearance. The term is commonly associated with extraterrestrial spacecraft or objects believed to be of alien origin.


Sense 1:

Noun: A spacecraft or object believed to be of extraterrestrial origin.

Example: The witness claimed to have seen a flying saucer hovering over the field.

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Sense 2:

Noun: A type of disk-shaped children's toy that rotates when thrown.

Example: The kids had fun playing with their flying saucers at the park.

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Sense 3:

Noun: A type of dessert or sweet treat resembling a disc-shaped object.

Example: The bakery specializes in making delicious flying saucer-shaped cookies.

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Sense 4:

Adjective: Describing something in a disk or saucer-like shape.

Example: The artist created a beautiful painting featuring a flying saucer-like design.

Sense 5:

Adjective: Referring to a local or popular icon or attraction, often associated with a specific place or region.

Example: The town's flying saucer-shaped restaurant is a popular tourist destination.

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