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fly sheet


Definitions from WordNet

Noun fly sheet has 1 sense
  1. tent-fly, rainfly, fly sheet, fly, tent flap - flap consisting of a piece of canvas that can be drawn back to provide entrance to a tent
    --1 is a kind of flap
    --1 is a part of fly tent

Definitions from the Web

Fly Sheet


A fly sheet refers to a lightweight sheet made from fabric that is used to protect horses or livestock from flies and other biting insects.

Parts of Speech:

- Noun: The sheet itself

- Verb: To cover or protect with a fly sheet


Sense 1:

- Noun: A protective sheet that shields horses or livestock from flies and biting insects.

Sense 2:

- Verb: The act of covering or protecting horses or livestock with a fly sheet.


Popular Usage:

"I always make sure to put a fly sheet on my horse during the summer to keep the flies away."

Local Usage:

"In our rural community, every farmer knows the importance of using a fly sheet to protect their livestock from insect bites."

Sample Sentences:

1. She purchased a high-quality fly sheet to keep her horse comfortable during hot summer months.

2. Before turning the horses out to the pasture, they carefully put fly sheets on each one to prevent fly bites.

3. The local equestrian store offers a wide range of fly sheets for different horse sizes and breeds.

Related Products:

To explore fly sheets for horses and livestock, check out these related products on Amazon:

Fly Sheets for Horses
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