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  1. A person who is flirtatious in nature, often engaging in playful or seductive behavior.

Example Sentences:

  1. She is known to be quite the flurt, always charming people with her witty remarks.
  2. He turned on his flurt charm, making everyone at the party feel special.


  1. To flirt casually or playfully with someone.

Example Sentences:

  1. He couldn't resist flurting with her, even though he knew she had a boyfriend.
  2. She flurted with the waiter to get a free dessert.


  1. Pertaining to something or someone flirtatious in nature.

Example Sentences:

  1. She dressed in a flurt outfit, catching the attention of every guy in the room.
  2. His flurt behavior often landed him in complicated situations.

Local Usage

  1. A term used in a particular region to refer to someone who is openly flirtatious.

Example Sentences:

  1. In the local dialect, "flurt" is a common word for someone who is excessively flirtatious.
  2. The term "flurt" is frequently used in the nearby villages to describe those who have a reputation for flirting with everyone.

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