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florida arrowroot


Definitions from WordNet

Noun florida arrowroot has 1 sense
  1. coontie, Florida arrowroot, Seminole bread, Zamia pumila - small tough woody zamia of Florida and West Indies and Cuba; roots and half-buried stems yield an arrowroot
    --1 is a kind of zamia

Definitions from the Web

Florida Arrowroot


A type of perennial herb that belongs to the arrowroot family, native to the state of Florida.

Related products on Amazon: Florida Arrowroot


Referring to or characteristic of the state of Florida's arrowroot.

Related products on Amazon: Florida Arrowroot Products

Sense 1: Popular usage

Noun - A starchy substance derived from the roots of the West Indian arrowroot, used as a thickener in cooking.

Example sentence: I added Florida arrowroot to the gravy to give it a smoother consistency.

Related products on Amazon: Arrowroot Powder

Sense 2: Local usage

Noun - A name given to a type of small, tuberous root found in the swamplands of Florida, traditionally used as a source of food by the indigenous people.

Example sentence: The Seminoles harvested Florida arrowroot from the marshes and incorporated it into various dishes.

Related products on Amazon: Indigenous Foods

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