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Flight of Fancy

Noun: A fanciful or impractical idea or thought; a wild imagination.

Example sentence: She entertained the flight of fancy that she could quit her job and travel the world as a professional photographer.

Noun: An extravagant or elaborate idea, often with no basis in reality.

Example sentence: The billionaire's latest flight of fancy involved building a private space station for tourists.

Noun: A sudden and unexplained departure or disappearance.

Example sentence: The renowned author's flight of fancy left her fans wondering where she had gone.

Adjective: Characterized by unusual or extravagant imagination.

Example sentence: The artist's paintings were known for their flight of fancy, often depicting surreal and dreamlike landscapes.

Adverb: In a whimsical or imaginative manner.

Example sentence: The children played in the park, their laughter echoing through the air as they ran and skipped about, ofteying taking flight of fancy.

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