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flexible sigmoidoscope


Definitions from WordNet

Noun flexible sigmoidoscope has 1 sense
  1. sigmoidoscope, flexible sigmoidoscope - an endoscope (a flexible fiberoptic probe) for examining the sigmoid colon
    --1 is a kind of endoscope

Definitions from the Web

Term: Flexible sigmoidoscope


A flexible sigmoidoscope is a medical instrument used by healthcare professionals to examine the sigmoid colon, which is the lower part of the large intestine. It is a flexible tube with a light and camera attached to it, allowing for detailed visual examination of the sigmoid colon.

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Sample Sentences:

1. Noun - Medical Instrument:

During the routine check-up, the doctor used a flexible sigmoidoscope for a thorough examination of the sigmoid colon.

2. Adjective - Describing:

The flexible sigmoidoscope allowed the physician to perform a comfortable and safe sigmoidoscopy procedure.

3. Verb - Action:

The gastroenterologist recommended using a flexible sigmoidoscope to better visualize the sigmoid colon during the examination.

4. Adverb - Describing an action:

The surgeon skillfully maneuvered the flexible sigmoidoscope to carefully inspect the sigmoid colon.

5. Local - Regarding a specific place:

In our local hospital, the availability of a modern flexible sigmoidoscope has greatly improved colonic diagnoses and screenings.

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