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Definitions from WordNet

Noun flautist has 1 sense
  1. flutist, flautist, flute player - someone who plays the flute
    --1 is a kind of musician, instrumentalist, player

Definitions from the Web



A flautist refers to a person who plays the flute skillfully. Flautists are often well-trained and adept at producing melodious tunes using the flute, a woodwind instrument in the orchestrations of various musical genres.

Sample Sentences:

  1. John's sister is a talented flautist, and she frequently performs at prestigious music venues.
  2. The school band includes a skilled flautist who adds a beautiful melodic layer to their performances.
  3. As a flautist, Emily practices diligently to constantly improve her technique and tone quality.
  4. The flautist's ethereal notes echoed through the concert hall and captured the audience's hearts.

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