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flash memory


Definitions from WordNet

Noun flash memory has 1 sense
  1. flash memory - nonvolatile storage that can be electrically erased and programmed anew
    --1 is a kind of
    non-volatile storage, nonvolatile storage

Definitions from the Web

Flash Memory

Definition: Flash memory is a non-volatile computer storage medium that can be electrically erased and reprogrammed. It is commonly used in portable electronic devices such as USB drives, memory cards, and solid-state drives (SSDs).


  1. Noun: I need to buy a new flash memory card for my camera.
  2. Noun: The company offers a wide range of USB flash memory drives.
  3. Noun: Upgrading from a traditional hard drive to a solid-state drive (SSD) with flash memory can significantly improve computer performance.
  4. Noun: Flash memory chips are commonly found in smartphones and tablets.
  5. Adjective: The flash memory technology allows for faster data access and transfer speeds.
  6. Adjective: The device features a lightweight and compact design thanks to its integrated flash memory.
  7. Verb: It is important to regularly back up your data stored on flash memory.
  8. Verb: The technician will flash the latest firmware onto the memory module.

Related Products: Check out some popular flash memory products available on Amazon:

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