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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective fisheye has 1 sense
  1. fisheye, wide-angle - of or relating to a fisheye lens

Definitions from the Web



  1. A type of wide-angle camera lens that creates strong visual distortion and produces a convex, distorted image.
  2. A small circular or elliptical glass lens used as a peephole in a door or wall.
  3. A wide-angle rear-view mirror used in vehicles that provides a broad field of view.


  1. Having a distorted or convex shape, similar to the view through a fisheye lens.

Sample sentences:

  1. She took stunning photographs using her fisheye camera lens, capturing the entire room in a unique and distorted way.
  2. The fisheye lens on the door allowed the security guard to easily see who was waiting outside.
  3. The driver relied on the fisheye rear-view mirror to have a better understanding of their surroundings.
  4. The artist created a fisheye sculpture that presented a different perspective when viewed from different angles.

Possible related products:

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