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fire insurance


Definitions from WordNet

Noun fire insurance has 1 sense
  1. fire insurance - insurance against loss due to fire
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Fire Insurance


Fire insurance refers to a type of insurance coverage that provides financial protection in the event of damage or loss caused by fire.


- Fire insurance is essential for homeowners and business owners to safeguard their property against fire-related risks.

- Many insurance companies offer comprehensive fire insurance policies that cover not only the cost of rebuilding or repairing the property, but also the replacement of belongings damaged by fire.

Sample Sentences:

1. John purchased fire insurance for his new house to protect his investment in case of a fire.

2. The business owner regretted not having fire insurance when a devastating fire destroyed his store.

3. The fire insurance claim allowed the homeowner to rebuild their house after it was gutted by a massive fire.

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