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A term used to describe a secret association or conspiracy, especially in the context of Irish politics during the 18th and 19th centuries. It was often associated with rebellious or seditious activities against British rule.

Sense 1: Noun

A secret organization or society aimed at resisting the political or military authority.

Example Sentence: The fillibin was known to operate covertly, planning acts of defiance against the occupying forces.

Sense 2: Noun

A member of the fillibin, a participant in a secret conspiracy or rebellion.

Example Sentence: He became a fillibin to fight for the freedom of his homeland.

Sense 3: Adjective

Relating to the activities or characteristics of a fillibin.

Example Sentence: The fillibin movement gained momentum, secretly organizing acts of resistance.

Sense 4: Verb

To engage in rebellious or seditious activities against a ruling authority.

Example Sentence: The rebels planned to fillibin the government, aiming to bring about radical political change.

Sense 5: Verb

To participate in a secret society or conspiracy against an authority.

Example Sentence: The young man decided to fillibin with the rebels, motivated by a deep sense of patriotism.

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