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Definitions from WordNet

Noun filibusterer has 1 sense
  1. filibuster, filibusterer - a legislator who gives long speeches in an effort to delay or obstruct legislation that he (or she) opposes
    --1 is a kind of legislator; delayer
    Derived form: verb filibuster1

Definitions from the Web



A filibusterer refers to someone who engages in the practice of obstructing legislation by making lengthy speeches or taking other measures to delay the legislative process, especially in a legislative assembly.

Example sentences:

  • John, a seasoned filibusterer, managed to delay the passing of the bill for several hours.
  • The senator was known for being a skilled filibusterer, often using his speaking abilities to postpone votes.
  • As a filibusterer, Sarah tirelessly spoke for hours on the floor, trying to prevent the legislation from being enacted.

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