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Definitions from WordNet

Noun ferryboat has 1 sense
  1. ferry, ferryboat - a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule
    --1 is a kind of boat
    --1 has particulars: car-ferry

Definitions from the Web


A ferryboat is a type of boat that is designed to transport passengers, vehicles, or goods across a body of water, typically a river or a narrow waterway.


  1. Noun: A boat or a ship used for transporting passengers and vehicles across a water body.
  2. Verb: To transport or convey someone or something in a ferryboat.



  1. We took the ferryboat across the river to reach the island.
  2. The ferryboat was crowded with tourists enjoying the scenic view.


  1. We will ferryboat the cars across the lake for the annual parade.
  2. Please ferryboat these supplies to the other side of the harbor.

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