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Definitions from WordNet
Noun ferryboat has 1 sense
- ferry, ferryboat - a boat that transports people or vehicles across a body of water and operates on a regular schedule
--1 is a kind of boat
--1 has particulars: car-ferry
Definitions from the Web
A ferryboat is a type of boat that is designed to transport passengers, vehicles, or goods across a body of water, typically a river or a narrow waterway.
- Noun: A boat or a ship used for transporting passengers and vehicles across a water body.
- Verb: To transport or convey someone or something in a ferryboat.
- We took the ferryboat across the river to reach the island.
- The ferryboat was crowded with tourists enjoying the scenic view.
- We will ferryboat the cars across the lake for the annual parade.
- Please ferryboat these supplies to the other side of the harbor.
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