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Definitions from WordNet

Noun fencer has 1 sense
  1. fencer, swordsman - someone skilled at fencing
    --1 is a kind of combatant, battler, belligerent, fighter, scrapper
    Derived form: verb fence3

Definitions from the Web



  1. A person trained in the sport of fencing.
  2. A person who builds and repairs fences.

Sense 1:

A fencer, in the context of sports, is a person who has undergone training in the sport of fencing. Fencers participate in competitive duels using bladed weapons, such as foils, epees, or sabers. Fencing requires agility, strategy, and quick reflexes, making it an exciting and strategic sport.

Example sentence: The fencer lunged forward with lightning speed, successfully striking his opponent's shoulder.

Related products on Amazon: Fencing gear

Sense 2:

A fencer, in the context of construction, is a person who specializes in building and repairing fences. They are skilled in various techniques, such as installing posts and panels, attaching gate hinges, and ensuring the durability and security of fences. Fencers work with various materials, including wood, metal, and vinyl.

Example sentence: The skilled fencer constructed a sturdy wooden fence around the garden, providing privacy and protection.

Related products on Amazon: Fence building tools

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