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fatty oil


Definitions from WordNet

Noun fatty oil has 1 sense
  1. fixed oil, fatty oil - nonvolatile animal or plant oil
    --1 is a kind of oil

Definitions from the Web

Fatty Oil


A fatty oil refers to an oil that is rich in fatty acids and is derived from plants, animals, or synthetic sources. It consists primarily of glycerides of fatty acids and is often used in various industrial, culinary, and medicinal applications.

Senses and Usages

1. Culinary Usage

In culinary contexts, fatty oils are commonly used for cooking, frying, and baking as they add flavor, texture, and richness to dishes. Olive oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil are widely used fatty oils in cooking.

Sample sentence: "Drizzle some olive oil, a popular fatty oil, over the salad for a delicious and healthy meal."

2. Industrial Usage

Fatty oils find extensive use in various industries, such as cosmetics, soaps, and lubricants. They are incorporated into products like moisturizers, soaps, candles, and even biofuels.

Sample sentence: "The cosmetics industry utilizes fatty oils like jojoba oil to create luxurious and nourishing skincare products."

3. Medicinal Usage

Several fatty oils have medicinal properties and are used in traditional and alternative medicine. For example, fish oil is known for its omega-3 fatty acid content and is often consumed as a supplement for heart health.

Sample sentence: "Many people take cod liver oil, a fatty oil, for its potential health benefits including improving joint mobility."

4. Local Usage

In some regions, specific types of fatty oils are more commonly used based on cultural preferences and local availability.

Sample sentence: "In Mediterranean cuisine, locals frequently incorporate sesame oil, a flavorful fatty oil, in their traditional dishes."

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