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Definitions from the Web

Term: Farinae

Part of Speech: Noun (singular)

Sense 1: The scientific name for a genus of mites belonging to the family Pyroglyphidae.

Sample Sentence 1: Farinae mites, commonly known as dust mites, are often found in bedding and carpets.

Sample Sentence 2: Studies have shown that farinae allergens are a common cause of respiratory issues in susceptible individuals.

Related Products on Amazon: Farinae Mite Allergen

Part of Speech: Noun (plural)

Sense 1: Small particles or grains made from various cereals, often used in cooking or baking.

Sample Sentence 1: You can use farinae to make delicious porridge by boiling it in milk or water.

Sample Sentence 2: The recipe calls for blending farinae with sugar and butter to create a crumbly topping.

Related Products on Amazon: Farinae Cereal

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1: Pertaining to or characteristic of a region or locality.

Sample Sentence 1: This restaurant serves delicious farinae dishes that are unique to the local cuisine.

Sample Sentence 2: The artwork exhibited in the gallery showcases the farinae artistic style of the region.

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