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fair dinkun


Definitions from the Web

Fair Dinkum

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Genuine; authentic; true.

Sample Sentence 1: I can assure you that the painting is fair dinkum, as it is an original work by a renowned artist.

Sample Sentence 2: The fair dinkum leather jacket I bought from the store is of exceptional quality.

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Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A genuine or reliable person.

Sample Sentence 1: John is a fair dinkum who always sticks to his promises.

Sample Sentence 2: In this industry, it's hard to find a fair dinkum who won't deceive you for personal gain.

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Part of Speech: Adverb

Definition: Honestly; genuinely; without deception.

Sample Sentence 1: The politician spoke fair dinkum about his plans for improving the healthcare system.

Sample Sentence 2: The company values fair dinkum communication with their customers, providing authentic and transparent information.

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fair amount fair ball fair bit fair catch fair chance fair claims practices act fair copy fair deal fair dinkun fair game fair hearing fair mangment fair off fair prenominal fair times fair to middling fair trade

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