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Definitions from WordNet

Noun eyewitness has 1 sense
  1. eyewitness - a spectator who can describe what happened
    --1 is a kind of
    spectator, witness, viewer, watcher, looker

Definitions from the Web



An eyewitness refers to an individual who has personally witnessed or observed an event or situation.


  1. Noun: A person who has seen or observed an occurrence.
  2. Adjective: Pertaining to or based on the firsthand account of an individual who witnessed an event.


Sense 1 - Noun:

1. Jane was an eyewitness to the car accident that occurred yesterday.

2. The police interviewed several eyewitnesses to gather more information.

3. The courtroom was filled with eyewitnesses eager to provide their testimonies.

Sense 2 - Adjective:

1. The journalist provided an eyewitness account of the protest.

2. The documentary featured interviews with eyewitnesses to historic events.

3. The book offers a captivating narrative based on the firsthand experiences of eyewitnesses.

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