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eye mask


Definitions from WordNet

Noun eye mask has 1 sense
  1. domino, half mask, eye mask - a mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes
    --1 is a kind of mask

Definitions from the Web

Eye mask


An eye mask is a covering that helps to block out light and promote relaxation or sleep. It is typically made of a soft and comfortable material like silk or foam and is shaped to fit over the eyes, providing complete darkness for the user.

Senses and Usages


1. A sleep mask that is worn over the eyes to block or reduce light while sleeping or resting.

Example sentence: I couldn't fall asleep, so I decided to put on my eye mask and it helped me relax and doze off.


1. To cover or block out light using an eye mask.

Example sentence: She eye-masked the room to create a more soothing ambience.


1. Describing something related to or resembling an eye mask.

Example sentence: The model showcased a stunning eye mask design in the fashion show.


No specific adverb usage for "eye mask".

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