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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective extrasensory has 1 sense
  1. extrasensory, paranormal - seemingly outside normal sensory channels
    Antonyms: sensory, sensorial

Definitions from the Web



Extrasensory is an adjective that refers to abilities or phenomena beyond the scope of the normal human senses.


  1. (Adjective) Pertaining to or involving supernatural or psychic abilities beyond ordinary perception.
    • Example Sentence: Sarah claimed to have extrasensory perception, as she could predict future events.
  2. (Adjective) Relating to senses or perception outside the range of those typically experienced by humans.
    • Example Sentence: Bats rely on their extrasensory hearing ability to navigate in the dark.
  3. (Adjective) Denoting something that is beyond the normal range or limits of perception.
    • Example Sentence: The camera captured a beautiful landscape in such detail that it presented an extrasensory experience.

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