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Definitions from the WebExpeditorNoun: A person or company that organizes and speeds up the progress of a process or activity. Sample Sentence: The expeditor ensured that all the necessary documents were prepared and submitted on time. Related Products: Expeditor OrganizerExpeditor Planner Expeditor Software Expeditor Services Noun: A restaurant employee who ensures that food orders are prepared and served promptly. Sample Sentence: The expeditor checked each dish before it was delivered to the customers. Related Products: Expeditor Restaurant KitExpeditor Chef Apron Expeditor Waiter Pad Expeditor Food Service Verb: To facilitate or accelerate the progress of something. Sample Sentence: The project manager expedited the delivery of the crucial materials. Adjective: Denoting something that is popular or commonly used. Sample Sentence: The expeditor model of the car sold out within a week. Adjective: Pertaining to a local authority or jurisdiction. Sample Sentence: The expeditor license is required for businesses operating within the city limits. | ||||
expedition expeditionary expeditionn expeditions expeditioulsly expeditious expeditiously expeditiousness expeditor expeditors expeditously expeditre expedting expedute expeiriences expeite expel