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Definitions from WordNet

Noun exorciser has 1 sense
  1. exorcist, exorciser - someone who practices exorcism
    --1 is a kind of sorcerer, magician, wizard, necromancer
    Derived form: verb exorcise1

Definitions from the Web



An exorciser is a person who practices exorcism, a religious or spiritual ritual aimed at expelling or driving out evil spirits, demons, or other supernatural entities from a person, place, or object.



  1. The exorciser performed the ritual to rid the haunted house of its malevolent spirits.
  2. She became an exorciser after witnessing a possession and wanting to help others.


  1. The priest was called to exorcise the demon that had taken hold of the young girl.
  2. They had to exorcise their fears and negative thoughts to find inner peace.

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