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excise taxes


Definitions from WordNet

Noun excise tax has 1 sense
  1. excise, excise tax - a tax that is measured by the amount of business done (not on property or income from real estate)
    --1 is a kind of indirect tax
    --1 has particulars:
     sales tax, nuisance tax; VAT, value-added tax, ad valorem tax; gasoline tax

Definitions from the Web

Term: Excise Taxes


An excise tax refers to a type of tax imposed on the sale or use of specific goods or services. These taxes are typically levied by governments as a way to generate revenue and regulate the consumption of certain items. Excise taxes may vary depending on the country, region, or state, and can be found in various industries such as tobacco, alcohol, fuel, and luxury goods.

Sample Sentences:

  • The government imposed higher excise taxes on cigarettes to discourage smoking.
  • When purchasing alcohol, make sure to consider the added cost of excise taxes.
  • Excise taxes on gasoline contribute to the funding of road maintenance and construction.
  • The excise taxes on imported luxury vehicles raised the prices significantly.

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