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european magpie


Definitions from WordNet

Noun european magpie has 1 sense
  1. European magpie, Pica pica - common European magpie
    --1 is a kind of magpie

Definitions from the Web

European Magpie


The European Magpie, scientifically known as Pica pica, is a species of birds belonging to the crow family. It is a black and white bird with a long, graduated tail and a distinctive black beak. Known for its intelligence and vocal abilities, the European Magpie is found across Europe, western Asia, and parts of northern Africa.



1. A bird species of the crow family, scientifically known as Pica pica.

2. A person who collects and hoards random items.


Relating to or characteristic of Europe.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The European Magpie is easily recognizable by its black and white plumage.
  2. During our birdwatching excursion, we spotted several European Magpies in the forest.
  3. Jonathan was fascinated by the intelligence displayed by the European Magpie he saw in a documentary.


  1. She decided to take a European Magpie tour to explore the diverse cultures and landscapes of Europe.
  2. The restaurant served a delicious European Magpie dish, highlighting flavors from various countries in Europe.
  3. We attended a European Magpie exhibit that showcased the finest art pieces from European artists.

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