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european cranberry


Definitions from WordNet

Noun european cranberry has 1 sense
  1. European cranberry, small cranberry, Vaccinium oxycoccus - small red-fruited trailing cranberry of Arctic and cool regions of the northern hemisphere
    --1 is a kind of cranberry

Definitions from the Web

European Cranberry

A European cranberry is a small, evergreen shrub native to Europe and parts of Asia. It belongs to the genus Vaccinium and is known for its bright red, tart berries.

Sense 1: Plant

In its botanical sense, the European cranberry, scientifically named Vaccinium oxycoccos, is a low-growing plant with trailing stems. It typically inhabits wetlands, bogs, and heathlands.

Example sentence: The European cranberry is a popular groundcover in gardens due to its ornamental berries and attractive foliage.

Sense 2: Culinary

The European cranberry is also valued for its culinary uses. The berries are commonly made into sauces, jams, and juices. They add a tangy flavor to various dishes.

Example sentence: I made a delicious European cranberry sauce to accompany our Thanksgiving turkey.

Sense 3: Medicinal

In traditional medicine, the European cranberry has a history of being used to promote urinary tract health. It is believed to have antibacterial properties and may help prevent infections.

Example sentence: Some people consume European cranberry extract as a natural remedy for urinary tract infections.

Sense 4: Ornamental

Due to its attractive berries and foliage, the European cranberry is often cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens and landscaping.

Example sentence: The European cranberry's vibrant red berries added a pop of color to the winter landscape.

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