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Definitions from WordNet

Noun eurocentrism has 1 sense
  1. Eurocentrism - belief in the preeminence of Europe and the Europeans
    --1 is a kind of
    partiality, partisanship

Definitions from the Web



Eurocentrism refers to the biased and dominant belief that European culture, history, and values are superior to those of other cultures and regions.


1. Noun - Cultural Bias:

A perspective or worldview that gives undue importance or dominance to European culture and history.

Related Products: Eurocentrism Books

2. Noun - Historical Bias:

The practice of interpreting history from a European point of view, often neglecting or downplaying the contributions and experiences of non-European cultures.

Related Products: Eurocentrism History Books

3. Noun - Academic Critique:

An approach or theory that questions and critiques Eurocentric biases in various academic disciplines, aiming to give fair representation to underrepresented cultures and viewpoints.

Related Products: Eurocentrism Critique Books

Sample Sentences:

  1. Eurocentrism has long influenced the curriculum, resulting in a limited representation of non-European civilizations in educational materials.
  2. His research dismantles the Eurocentric narratives by highlighting the contributions of non-Western societies.
  3. The history professor encouraged her students to critically examine Eurocentrism in their academic work.
  4. The book explores the detrimental effects of Eurocentrism on the perception of global history and the development of a collective identity.
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