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etymology search engine


Definitions from the Web

Etymology Search Engine


An etymology search engine is a powerful online tool that allows users to explore the origins, history, and evolution of words and phrases. By typing in a specific term, users can easily access comprehensive information about the word's linguistic roots, historical usage, and any changes in meaning over time.

Sense 1 (Noun):

A website or online platform used for searching and discovering the etymology of words and phrases.

Example Sentence:

The etymology search engine provided a detailed analysis of the word's historical development, showing its connections to various languages.

Sense 2 (Noun):

A software or application that specializes in finding the etymology of words within a larger text or document.

Example Sentence:

With the help of an etymology search engine, researchers were able to trace the origins of numerous obscure terms in the ancient manuscript.

Sense 3 (Verb):

The act of conducting an online search to discover the etymology of a specific word or phrase.

Example Sentence:

Students were assigned to etymology search engine activities to better understand the historical context of the vocabulary used in their reading assignments.

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