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Dictionary - Ethop


Ethop refers to a fictional animal species commonly found in the world of fantasy novels. Ethops are often depicted as mythical creatures possessing magical abilities and unique physical features.



1. A mythical animal species in fantasy literature.

2. A creature with magical abilities and distinctive physical attributes.

3. A legendary being often associated with ancient folklore.


1. To imagine or create mythical animals similar to ethops.

2. To bring forth mystical creatures in works of fiction.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The ethop in the story possessed an alluring coat of shimmering silver feathers.
  2. Legends tell of ethops roaming the enchanted forest, casting spells to protect all living beings.


  1. The author skillfully ethopped several extraordinary creatures into existence in her fantasy novel.
  2. Using her vivid imagination, she ethopped a magical ethop with the power to grant wishes.

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