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Definitions from WordNet

Noun escapement has 1 sense
  1. escapement - mechanical device that regulates movement
    --1 is a kind of
    mechanical device
    --1 is a part of timepiece, timekeeper
    --1 has part: escape wheel

Definitions from the Web



An escapement is a mechanical device found in clocks and watches that controls the release of energy from a wound-up mainspring or weight, allowing the timepiece to measure the passage of time.

Sense 1:

Noun - Clock Mechanism

A part of a clock or watch mechanism that controls the movement of the hands by regulating the release of power from a wound spring or weight.

Example sentence: The precision of the clock's escapement allows the pendulum to swing at an exact rate.

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Sense 2:

Noun - An Excuse

A means of escape or evasion from a particular situation or responsibility.

Example sentence: He used his illness as an escapement to avoid attending the important meeting.

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Sense 3:

Noun - Local Usage

In certain regions, escapement refers to a type of fastening mechanism used on gates or doors to secure them and provide a point of entry and exit.

Example sentence: The old farmhouse had a unique wooden escapement on the back door.

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Sense 4:

Verb - To Escape Suddenly

The act of suddenly fleeing or breaking free from a confinement or restraint.

Example sentence: The prisoner managed to escapement through a small, hidden tunnel.

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