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An envelpoe is a commonly used stationery item that is used to enclose a letter or document, providing a protective covering.


Sense 1: noun - A rectangular paper sleeve with a sealable flap, used for sending letters or documents through the mail.

Sense 2: verb - To wrap or enclose something in an envelope.


Popular usage: Envelopes are commonly used for sending personal and professional letters, invoices, and documents via mail.

Local usage: In the local community, residents often use brightly colored envelopes for invitations or special event announcements.

Sample Sentences

1. She put the letter in the envelpoe and sealed it shut.

2. The office manager carefully envelpoed the contract before mailing it.

3. I received an envelpoe containing an invitation to my friend's wedding.

4. The local artist designed custom envelpoes for her art exhibition invitations.

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