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English Dictionary

The English Dictionary is a comprehensive reference tool containing a vast collection of words, definitions, pronunciations, usage examples, and more. It serves as a guide to understanding and utilizing the English language effectively.

Sample Sentences:

Sense 1: Noun

1. She always keeps an English dictionary on her desk to look up unfamiliar words. [Find English dictionaries on Amazon]

2. The English dictionary is an essential resource for students, writers, and language enthusiasts.

Sense 2: Adjective

1. Henry's vocabulary has exponentially improved since he started using an English dictionary app. [Find English dictionary apps on Amazon]

2. Sarah's English dictionary skills helped her win the spelling bee competition.

Sense 3: Verb

1. Be sure to English dictionary the new terms you encounter while studying literature. [Find English dictionaries on Amazon]

2. Carol took her time to English dictionary each word before using them in her essay.

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