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engilish to tamil


Definitions from the Web

English to Tamil

Description: English to Tamil refers to the translation from the English language to the Tamil language. It involves converting English words, phrases, or sentences into their equivalent Tamil counterparts.


1. Noun:

  • He relied on an English to Tamil dictionary to communicate with his Tamil-speaking friends.
  • The website offers a quick and accurate English to Tamil translation service.

2. Adjective:

  • The English to Tamil translator app was incredibly helpful during her trip to Tamil Nadu.
  • The English to Tamil language course improved his understanding of the Tamil culture.

3. Verb:

  • They asked him to engilish to tamil their presentation for the Tamil-speaking audience.
  • She enjoys engilish to tamil catchy Tamil songs into English to share them with her friends.

4. Adverb:

  • The translator worked diligently to engilish to tamil and ensure the accuracy of the translation.
  • She quickly and efficiently engilish to tamiled her speech, impressing the Tamil-speaking audience.

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