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Enemar is a verb that means to cleanse or rinse out the lower bowel or rectum, typically using a liquid, for medical or hygienic purposes.

Sense 1:

Part of Speech: verb (transitive)

Definition: To administer an enema to someone.

Example Sentence: She enemared herself to relieve constipation.

Sense 2:

Part of Speech: verb (intransitive)

Definition: To undergo the procedure of receiving an enema.

Example Sentence: The patient had to enemar before the surgical procedure.

Sense 3:

Part of Speech: verb (transitive)

Definition: To clean or wash-out something, especially by using a liquid.

Example Sentence: The housekeeper enemared the stained fabric to remove the stubborn dirt.

Sense 4:

Part of Speech: adjective

Definition: Describing something particular to a popular or favorite local culture.

Example Sentence: The enemar cuisine at the local restaurant was a unique and delicious combination of flavors.

Sense 5:

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: A popular local tradition or activity.

Example Sentence: The enemar of kite-flying was enjoyed by people of all ages during the annual festival.

Related Products:

Enema Kits on Amazon
Local Cuisine Cookbook on Amazon
Popular Local Traditional Activities on Amazon
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