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Definitions from WordNet

Verb enclothe has 1 sense
  1. dress, clothe, enclothe, garb, raiment, tog, garment, habilitate, fit out, apparel - provide with clothes or put clothes on; "Parents must feed and dress their child"
    --1 is one way to change state, turn
    Sample sentences:
    Somebody ----s something
    Somebody ----s somebody

Definitions from the Web

Term: Enclothe

Definition 1 (verb, transitive):
To dress or attire someone or something; to provide clothing for.
Example sentence: She decided to enclothe her daughter in a beautiful gown for the special occasion.
Related products on Amazon Definition 2 (verb, transitive):
To cover or envelop something entirely.
Example sentence: The thick fog enclothes the city, reducing visibility to almost zero.
Related products on Amazon Definition 3 (verb, transitive, obsolete):
To surround or encircle something.
Example sentence: The ancient stone wall enclothes the castle, providing protection from intruders.
Related products on Amazon Definition 4 (verb, intransitive):
To become clothed or dressed.
Example sentence: The flowers slowly enclothe the meadow, adding vibrant color to its surroundings.
Related products on Amazon Definition 5 (adjective):
Dressed or clothed, typically in an elegant or fashionable manner.
Example sentence: The guests arrived at the gala, each one enclothe in their finest evening attire.
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