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Definitions from WordNet

Verb enchain has 1 sense
  1. enchain - restrain or bind with chains
    --1 is one way to
    restrain, confine, hold
    Sample sentence:
    They want to enchain the prisoners

Definitions from the Web



(verb) to bind or restrain someone or something with chains.

(verb) to restrict or confine someone's freedom or actions.

(verb) to connect or link together in a chain-like manner.

(verb) to captivate or fascinate someone intensely.


Example 1:

The prisoners were enchained and led to their cells.

Example 2:

He felt enchained by the responsibilities of his job.

Example 3:

The daisies were beautifully enchained, forming a lovely garland.

Example 4:

The talented singer's mesmerizing voice enchains her audience.

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