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Definitions from the WebEnbodimentDescription:Enbodiment refers to the act of giving a concrete form or representation to an abstract idea, concept, or characteristic. It is the process of embodying something, making it tangible and perceptible. Senses and Usages:Noun - ConceptEnbodiment can be understood as the expression or representation of a concept or idea in a physical or visible form. Example:"The sculpture was the perfect embodiment of beauty and grace." ![]() Noun - PersonificationIn literature or artistic works, enbodiment can depict the process of personifying an abstract quality or characteristic, giving it human-like attributes. Example:"The villainous character was the very embodiment of evil, captivating the audience with his malevolence." ![]() VerbAs a verb, enbodiment refers to the action of giving physical form or substance to an abstract idea or concept. Example:"The architect enbodied the vision of the client into a stunning building design." ![]() Adjective - PopularWhen used as an adjective, enbodiment describes something that is widely recognized, admired, or imitated. Example:"The fashion icon's style became the embodiment of elegance and sophistication." ![]() Adjective - LocalIn a local context, enbodiment can refer to something that characterizes or represents a specific locality or region. Example:"The restaurant serves dishes that are the embodiment of local cuisine, showcasing the flavors of the region." ![]() | ||||
enation enbalm enbedded enbessy enbezzle enblem enboden enbodenment enbodiment enbolden enbordenment enbrel enbumber enc encage encainide encamp