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emotional arousal


Definitions from WordNet

Noun emotional arousal has 1 sense
  1. emotional arousal - the arousal of strong emotions and emotional behavior
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 has particulars:
     anger, angriness; excitement, excitation, inflammation, fervor, fervour

Definitions from the Web

Emotional Arousal

Emotional arousal refers to the heightened state of emotion or excitation experienced by an individual in response to various stimuli. It can encompass a wide range of emotions, including happiness, anger, fear, or sadness, and is often accompanied by physiological changes such as increased heart rate, sweating, or adrenaline release.

Senses and Usages:

1. Emotional Arousal (General)

In its general sense, emotional arousal refers to the overall state of heightened emotional response, regardless of the specific emotion. It can be triggered by a captivating movie, an intense sports event, or even a thrilling roller coaster ride.

Sample Sentence: Experiencing emotional arousal while watching a suspenseful movie can make the viewing experience more engaging and memorable.

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2. Emotional Arousal (Psychological)

In psychology, emotional arousal is often studied as a core component of various theories and models, including the arousal theory and the two-factor theory of emotion. It involves the activation of the autonomic nervous system and the release of stress hormones.

Sample Sentence: The study measured the level of emotional arousal in participants by monitoring their heart rate and skin conductance during a simulated anxiety-inducing situation.

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3. Emotional Arousal (Sexual)

Emotional arousal can also pertain to sexual or romantic contexts, where it refers to the state of heightened emotional and physiological activation experienced during intimacy, foreplay, or sexual encounters.

Sample Sentence: The book explores the role of emotional arousal in maintaining intimacy and passion in long-term relationships.

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4. Emotional Arousal (Local)

In certain regions or communities, the term "emotional arousal" may also be used to describe the excitement or enthusiasm associated with popular local events, festivals, or cultural celebrations.

Sample Sentence: The annual carnival generates significant emotional arousal among the local population, with people eagerly awaiting its arrival each year.

Search for cultural celebration items on Amazon

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