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Sense 1: A portable device used for generating heat and light.

Example sentence: I gathered around the embergo as darkness fell, enjoying its comforting glow and warmth.


Sense 2: A small glowing piece of burning or glowing coal or wood remaining after a fire has died down.

Example sentence: The campfire was reduced to embergos, casting a faint light over the sleeping campers.


Sense 1: To slowly burn or glow with a dying fire.

Example sentence: The log embergoed throughout the night, providing a gentle heat in the cabin.


Sense 1: Pertaining to something popular or widely accepted.

Example sentence: The new smartphone model became embergo among tech enthusiasts due to its advanced features.

Sense 2: Referring to something local or specific to a particular region.

Example sentence: The traditional recipe for this dish is a well-kept embergo secret passed down through generations.

Related products:

Portable Heater

Campfire Tools

Fire Starters

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