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ellington s


Definitions from WordNet

Noun ellington has 1 sense
  1. Ellington, Duke Ellington, Edward Kennedy Ellington - United States jazz composer and piano player and bandleader (1899-1974)
    --1 is a kind of jazz musician, jazzman

Definitions from the Web

Ellington S


Ellington S refers to the renowned American jazz composer, pianist, and bandleader, Edward Kennedy "Duke" Ellington. He was an influential figure in the jazz world, known for his distinct style and remarkable compositions.


As a Noun:

1. Ellington S: A legendary jazz musician who revolutionized the genre with his innovative compositions and performances.

2. Ellington S: The name of a specific music album or a track composed by Duke Ellington.

As an Adjective:

1. Ellington S: Referring to a musical piece or style that exemplifies Duke Ellington's unique approach and influence.

2. Ellington S: Describing a performance that captures the spirit and essence of Duke Ellington's musicality.

Sample Sentences:

1. I've been listening to Ellington S all day; his music never fails to lift my spirits.

2. This jazz club regularly hosts Ellington S nights, celebrating the works of Duke Ellington.

3. The orchestra's performance of "Mood Indigo" was truly Ellington S, capturing the essence of Duke Ellington's style.

4. Duke Ellington's Ellington S album is a masterpiece; every track demonstrates his brilliance as a composer.

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