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element of a cylinder


Definitions from WordNet

Noun element of a cylinder has 1 sense
  1. element of a cylinder - a straight line running the length of the cylinder
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Element of a Cylinder


The element of a cylinder refers to any specific component or characteristic of a cylinder shape. It encompasses various parts or attributes that contribute to the overall structure, function, or properties of a cylinder.


Sense 1: Geometric Component

In geometry, the element of a cylinder commonly refers to the different geometric parts that constitute a cylinder, such as the base, height, radius, lateral surface area, or volume.

Example Sentence: The element of a cylinder's base can be calculated by multiplying the square of the radius by pi.

Sense 2: Chemical Element

In chemistry, an element of a cylinder may signify an ingredient or constituent substance found within a cylindrical object.

Example Sentence: Oxygen is a crucial element of a cylinder used in scuba diving.

Sense 3: Structural Component

In engineering or mechanics, the element of a cylinder can denote a specific part or component that contributes to the strength, stability, or functionality of a cylindrical structure.

Example Sentence: The piston is a vital element of a cylinder in an internal combustion engine.

Usages: Popular and Local

Popular Usage: Cylindrical Container

In everyday language, the element of a cylinder can refer to a cylindrical container used for storage or transportation purposes.

Example Sentence: I store my art supplies in various elements of cylindrical containers to keep them organized.

Local Usage: Pipe Fitting

In a local context or specific industry, an element of a cylinder might indicate a pipe fitting specifically designed for cylindrical pipes.

Example Sentence: The plumber used a copper elbow as an element of a cylinder to connect the two pipes seamlessly.

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