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Definitions from WordNet

Noun electron has 1 sense
  1. electron, negatron - an elementary particle with negative charge
    --1 is a kind of lepton
    --1 has particulars: delta ray; free electron; photoelectron; valence electron

Definitions from the Web

Term: Electrons

1. Definition:

An electron is a subatomic particle with a negative electric charge, found in the atom's orbit around the nucleus.

2. Sense:

a. Popular:

In popular usage, electrons refer to the fundamental particles that carry electrical charge.

Related product: Electron-related products on Amazon

b. Local:

In the local context, electrons are often discussed in relation to quantum mechanics and electronic devices.

Related product: Quantum Physics-related products on Amazon

3. Sample sentences:

- The movement of electrons within a conductor creates an electric current.

- Electrons play a crucial role in determining the chemical properties of an element.

- The electron microscope allows scientists to observe objects at an incredibly small scale.

- Electric circuits operate by the controlled flow of electrons through conductive materials.

- Many technological advancements are driven by innovations in controlling the behavior of electrons.

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