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Verb edit has 4 senses
  1. edit, redact - prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting; "Edit a a book on lexical semantics"; "she edited the letters of the politician so as to omit the most personal passages"
    --1 is one way to change, alter, modify
    Derived forms: noun editor1, noun editing1
    Sample sentence:
    They won't edit the story
  2. edit - supervise the publication of; "The same family has been editing the influential newspaper for almost 100 years"
    --2 is one way to
    publish, bring out, put out, issue, release
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
  3. edit, cut, edit out - cut and assemble the components of; "edit film"; "cut recording tape"
    --3 is one way to change, alter, modify
    Sample sentence:
    They will edit the duet
  4. edit, blue-pencil, delete - cut or eliminate; "she edited the juiciest scenes"
    --4 is one way to censor
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s something
editorialise editorialist editorialize editorializing editorially editorials editors editorship edits editt editting edj edjacent edjing edjucate edmand fitzgerald edmond

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