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Definitions from WordNet

Noun ederle has 1 sense
  1. Ederle, Gertrude Ederle, Gertrude Caroline Ederle - United States swimmer who in 1926 became the first woman to swim the English Channel (1903-)
    --1 is a kind of swimmer

Definitions from the Web


Noun: Ederle refers to Gertrude Ederle, an American competitive swimmer who became the first woman to swim across the English Channel.

Example sentence: Gertrude Ederle's remarkable achievement of swimming across the English Channel in 1926 shattered gender stereotypes and inspired countless women.

Search for books on Gertrude Ederle on Amazon

Noun: Ederle is a surname of Germanic origin.

Example sentence: The Ederle family had been residing in the small village for centuries and had a strong sense of community.

Search for books on the Ederle surname on Amazon

Adjective: Ederle (also written as ederly) doesn't have a specific meaning as an adjective.

Example sentence: Despite researching extensively, I couldn't find any reliable sources defining the word "ederle" as an adjective.

Local term: In a specific local context, "ederle" might refer to a landmark or street name.

Example sentence: Let's meet at the corner of Main Street and Ederle. It's a well-known landmark in our neighborhood.

Search for books on Ederle landmarks on Amazon
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