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ecce homo


Definitions from WordNet

Noun ecce homo has 1 sense
  1. ecce homo - a representation (a picture or sculpture) of Jesus wearing a crown of thorns
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Ecce Homo

Definition 1 - Noun

A Latin phrase meaning "behold the man," used in the New Testament to refer to Jesus presented to the crowd by Pontius Pilate prior to his crucifixion.

Example sentence: The crowd jeered when Pontius Pilate said, "Ecce Homo!"

Definition 2 - Noun

A philosophical work by Friedrich Nietzsche, also known as "Ecce Homo: How One Becomes What One Is." It reflects on Nietzsche's life, his personal experiences, and his interpretation of his own works.

Example sentence: Ecce Homo is considered one of Nietzsche's most controversial books.

Definition 3 - Noun

An artistic representation, particularly in painting, depicting Jesus wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, as he was presented to the crowd by Pontius Pilate.

Example sentence: This ecce homo painting beautifully captures the anguish on Jesus' face.

Definition 4 - Interjection

A cry of realization or astonishment. It can be used to express surprise or amusement.

Example sentence: Ecce homo! I finally found my misplaced keys!

Definition 5 - Adjective (Local Usage)

A term used colloquially to describe a person, event, or situation that is strange, bizarre, or outlandish.

Example sentence: The parade featured ecce homo costumes that left everyone stunned.

Definition 6 - Adjective (Popular Usage)

Used informally to describe something that is widely known, popular, or well-received by the general public.

Example sentence: The band's latest album is an ecce homo hit, topping the charts for weeks.

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