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Adjective eastern has 5 senses
  1. eastern - lying toward or situated in the east; "the eastern end of the island"
    west (indirect, via east)
  2. eastern - of or characteristic of eastern regions of the United States; "the Eastern establishment"
    western, southwestern, midwestern, northwestern, west-central
  3. easterly, eastern - lying in or toward the east; "the east side of NY"; "eastern cities"
    Antonym: west (indirect, via east)
  4. eastern - relating to or characteristic of regions of eastern parts of the world; "the Eastern Hemisphere"; "Eastern Europe"; "the Eastern religions"
    western, occidental, Hesperian
  5. easterly, eastern - from the east; used especially of winds; "an east wind"; "the winds are easterly"
    Antonym: west (indirect, via east)
easter day easter egg easter lily easter lily vine easter sunday easter words easterisland easterly eastern eastern bigwig eastern catholicism eastern chimpanzee eastern chinquapin eastern chipmunk eastern church eastern coral snake eastern cottontail

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