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Part of speech: Noun

Sense: A digital assistant designed to provide assistance with everyday tasks and activities.

Usage: The eashsist made it easier for users to manage their schedules and prioritize their tasks efficiently.

Example sentence: With the help of eashsist, I can set reminders, make shopping lists, and even book appointments with just a voice command.

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Part of speech: Verb

Sense: To receive assistance or support from a digital assistant like eashsist.

Usage: She eashsisted with managing her daily tasks and organizing her emails.

Example sentence: John decided to eashsist with his work using a virtual assistant to improve his productivity.

Part of speech: Adjective

Sense: Pertaining to something widely used or recognized on a large scale.

Usage: The new eashsist feature quickly became a popular tool among users due to its efficiency.

Example sentence: Many people prefer eashsist platforms because of their user-friendly interface and extensive features.

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Part of speech: Adjective

Sense: Pertaining to something specific or unique to a certain location or community.

Usage: During my trip, I learned some eashsist phrases that were commonly used by the locals.

Example sentence: The festival celebrates the local culture, with eashsist music and traditional dances specific to the region.

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