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Definitions from WordNet

Noun earthwork has 1 sense
  1. earthwork - an earthen rampart
    --1 is a kind of
    rampart, bulwark, wall

Definitions from the Web



Earthwork refers to the engineering activity involving the moving, shaping, and manipulation of soil, rocks, and other materials on the Earth's surface.

Common Parts of Speech:



1. Construction: The process of constructing or reconstructing a structure using earth materials.

Example Sentence: The earthwork for the new housing development began last week.

Search for earthwork construction products on Amazon.

2. Military: Fortifications created by digging trenches or building ramparts using earth.

Example Sentence: The soldiers dug extensive earthworks around their camp to protect against enemy attacks.

Search for military earthworks related products on Amazon.


1. Popular: Commonly used in the construction industry and civil engineering.

Example Sentence: The engineers employed various earthwork techniques to level the ground for the new highway.

Search for civil engineering earthwork products on Amazon.

2. Local: Refers to specific earth formations or landforms within a region.

Example Sentence: The local earthworks in this area include ancient mounds and embankments.

Search for earthwork landforms related products on Amazon.

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